The web design trends are changing. Some time ago it was sought to draw attention with extremely eye-catching designs, even if they meant a high load time. Nowadays websites with a simple and simple interface design are in vogue, both for offering a better user experience and because having a shorter loading time improves their SEO positioning.
Let’s see some examples of trends for 20018 and 2019:
Responsive design
It is not a novelty, but the needs of the search engines do it of obligatory use.
The number of users surfing the network through mobile devices increases exponentially, so it is vital that a website can be viewed completely correctly from these devices. That’s what the responsive design gets.
Flat design as interface design
This design seeks to eliminate all three-dimensional effects, focusing on reproducing flat elements. In addition to simplifying the effects, it does the same with fonts and colors, which achieves a simple, simple and minimalist final design.
This type of design offers a huge advantage when it comes to redesigning a mobile web page with the responsive design that we mentioned earlier since flat images work more easily than three-dimensional ones.
A few years ago the most common was to find images in slide format, that is, to include several images in the form of a sequential presentation. This consumes a lot of resources and requires more time to be visualized, so the current trend is to include images with full width. This is known as Hero and get, with a single glance, capture the attention of users
It is very striking to integrate on the covers of websites.
This effect consists of offering the user the feeling that, when he scrolls, the background moves at a speed different from the content.
It offers a very interesting feeling of depth, showing parts of the background that would otherwise not be seen. It is a technique that, despite being very useful, should be used with care, since it can overload too much and distract the user’s attention from the contents.
It is achieved as a combination of video and image. The result is that most of the image is static, but there is some element inside it that has movement. The most visual example is a waterfall in which water moves while everything else remains static or an image of a person who remains static, but blinks or winks.
It is a very simple, visual resource that consumes few resources, is easy to create and attracts a lot of attention from the user. The user will be surprised when faced with an apparently normal image, but suddenly begins to move. Its main qualities are similar to those of the video but it is something much simpler.
As the trend is so simple and simple designs, the typography will be used to give a touch of originality to a web page. It is increasingly common to use non-standard and handmade typefaces to offer their own style. This is so thanks to the great variety of typographies without cost that exist and the personality that brings everything “made by hand”.
In short, web design trends for this 2018 are focused on improving the design of user experience. The aim is for the user to find everything they are looking for in a simple way, and not to eclipse the content with the design.
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