Offers Coupons Deals
Offers Coupons & Deals is the most efficient & proven coupons website that can make eshoppers life simple, & help them to shop at lesser price.
Offers Coupons & Deals is the most efficient & proven coupons website that can make eshoppers life simple, & help them to shop at lesser price.
Offers Coupons Deals App gives you the following benefits:
👉 Get latest coupons and deals from 250+ online stores
👉 Get Notifications of latest deals & offers
👉 User can follow their favourite store and OCD will notify them for best deals
👉 Price drop notifications for deals from popular stores like Amazon, Flipkart so that user can save more when price is down due to sale or bank offers
👉 Get offers and coupons category wise, brand wise, bank wise (card offers) and location wise (nearby offers)
👉 Cashback Feature – When user shops from any online store (e.g Amazon) and has navigated to amazon by clicking on offer or store link from OCD, then visit will be tracked and reward will be given to user based on store. After cashback is met to some minimum amount (e.g 250) user can withdraw in their paytm account
👉 Referral System- If any user referees their colleague than he will get extra Rs.100 in wallet as bonus for referral and helping OCD to grow more.
Our team come out with the below solutions based on the requirements
👉 Collected data from various merchants and affiliate networks to show in the application
👉 Prepared deep linking tool which helps to generate our OCD affiliate through which it will generate revenue
👉 Designed scalable mysql database which we know was going to be expanded in near future as per application requirements
👉 Implemented notifications using firebase channels and prepared notification scheduling tool which helps us to plan in advance and user engagement is easy
👉 Implemented referral wallet system in laravel through which we were able to track cashback
👉 Developed Admin panel to manage all data dynamic like stores, offers, categories and others
👉 Developed SEO compatible website and make sure that all aspects of SEO are covered in it staring from ON page SEO to page speed.
Elitech System designers have considered various user aspects to make user friendly and innovative user interface as per industry standards.
Challenges solved by our developers
In our application, we have offers and deals from 250+stores and handling automation of that was a difficult task. Our developers integrated API’s of various providers and managed data in efficient way.Â
We understand that application performance is key to success. Our developers have optimised API performance by caching data and make sure that returning response from server does not take much time.Â
Our champs found an approach of real time price drop notification update to our customers. Our developers tracked API’S of various providers and make sure that they find lowest price of deal in past 1 month. Once lowest price of deal is found, we notify customers via notification.
We’ve got biggest challenge to integrate cashback module in our APP. Cashback in our APP means when customer purchased something from website like amazon using our link (redirect from our website), we will be able to track that.Â
Once we are able to track that, we give part of our commission to our customers as a loyalty bonus. To manage this functionality was a challenge and our champ developers managed it in a Pro way.