Magento2 and Varnish cache, the winning Open Source couple for a super fast ecommerce site. Varnish Cache integration is now native to Magento2.
Magento 2 is the world leader in E-commerce solutions. The functional richness and stability of Magento 2 is well established. The architecture of Magento2 makes it even easier to add additional modules (also called “extensions” or “plugins”) while ensuring system stability. When these extensions are well developed, their integration into the Magento2 site is very easy. You can very easily add a “loyalty points” module, change carrier solution, or payment solution, in a few hours of work, while this same work would have taken days, weeks, or even months in one. solution developed to measure or in a solution with a less modular architecture.
This modular and strict architecture, on the other hand, can be more resource intensive if it is not properly implemented. Magento 2 has many features to optimize its performance . Varnish Cache is one of them. Varnish Cache is an open source “website accelerator” solution(also called http reverse proxy cache). When Magento 2 is correctly configured, and the “full page cache” is activated, each page visited for the first time by an Internet user (or by an automatic cache generation module, called “cache warmer”) is automatically cached. When this same Internet user, or another, then wants to (re) visit this page, it is then the page already generated and saved which is directly delivered to the browser of this Internet user.
Varnish cache is a solution for saving and delivering these pre-generated pages, in order to be even faster for the Internet user . Thanks to Varnish cache, the Magento2 server no longer even receives the request from the Internet user, and it is Varnish which directly provides the requested page.
Only the few javascript which allow for example to display the number of items in the basket are then executed, after loading the page in order to have an optimal user experience.
The delivery of a web page on a correctly configured Magento2 website using Varnish Cache is therefore no longer impacted at all by the modular architecture of Magento2, but depends only on the internet connection, and the weight of the page in html .
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