To create qualified traffic, retain your targets and convert them to customers. In order to establish a clear and powerful Inbound Marketing strategy for your web content , you must define a target audience but also understand what it is looking for. This is called the buyer persona or typical profile of potential buyers.
All your interactions with these profiles must be based on the purchase path. Contrary to what some marketers claim, the purchase journey is not a funnel but a succession of three phases:
– The awareness phase of a problem
– The consideration phase
– The decision phase
Understanding this buying path can produce relevant content. Why? The prospect can visit your website at any time during the purchase journey.
Web content corresponding to the awareness phase:
In this part, your web content should be based on the business domains of your company. Then you will gradually move towards a specific solution. On this point, you will also need to add value in order to take the lead against your competitors.
Web content corresponding to the phase of consideration
The goal of communication is to first raise awareness of the existence of a problem. Then, compare the available alternatives. Finally, convince by demonstrating your expertise as a solution provider.
It’s a bit like going to see your doctor to ask for a diagnosis and a prescription. So you are looking for a way to treat yourself and relieve your symptoms.
Web content corresponding to the decision phase
The Inbound Marketing Tools of Success:
– Recruitment on blogs and social media
– Identification of prospects through forms and pop-ups
– Using online message (HubSpot)
– Notifications
– Bot chat to capture the lead.
– Conversion of prospects into customers thanks to a relevant CTA.
Web content is your marketing toolbox
Blogs, interactive tools, infographics, videos, e-book and online presentations help attract your prospects. Then convert them and turn them into customers.
A good approach Inbound marketing of web content: it is relevant content + context.
You have to offer your visitors the information they are looking for. This is information that will push them to make a purchase action. To do this, keep them in the center instead of focusing on you.
An error not to commit: from ball to head
Here, you must define your personas. Then you will have to accurately determine their pain points. In this way, you will get content opportunities. However, it would be necessary to plan your content production. Indeed, an error to avoid would be to throw ball into your head.
By following this bad practice, you will create content successively. Then you will come to a point where you will not know what to do.
You will then ask your team what you need to do:
– Any ideas ?
– What are we going to be able to do this week?
Your content production process is no longer regular with your readers. Indeed, you will only write articles based on events.
It would also be tempting to outsource your content production. Thus, you pass the hand to external experts. With this practice, the task is passed to someone else, but it’s up to you to set the course.
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