Many people think that creating a blog in 2019 is not a good idea: maybe they think it’s something that is outdated, that it’s too late to start or that there are simply sites that write better than they could. What do I think? That they are wrong, and now I will explain why.
It’s out of style, now the videos are taken
This is one of the reasons I have most heard in my environment. Why a blog if you can make a video and upload it on YouTube?
YouTube is a platform where growing is a slow process (and not quite simple) due to its large amount of content. To give you an idea, every minute upload more than 500h video ( according to Filmora ). This makes it difficult to highlight your content in front of other people, and that’s where the blog comes into action.
A blog can be very beneficial when looking for visibility because with the right work (SEO, WPO, the creation of quality content, etc.) you will be able to reach many more people. So … Should you put aside YouTube videos? No, both can coexist and support each other when it comes to, for example, getting clients.
Another advantage of the blog in front of the video would be the ease when creating content. To upload a video, you need to devise it, record it and edit it (this varies depending on the case). For this, you will need a lot of time, more than you would surely need to translate this idea into a blog. In addition, this article could be written even from the mobile, offering many facilities when creating content.
Is it too late to create a blog?
Never is late to do it! Every day new blogs are born that bring fresh content, being able to get over older ones easily. An entry will not have more relevance because it is older (it is more, sometimes it is even negative), if not as I have said before, has worked as it is.
Why write if there are people who do it better than me?
This is a half-truth. It is normal that someone who spends more time than you write “better”, but that is solved with practice: nobody is born learning. In addition, many people will want to read your article, although several blogs deal with the same topic since they want to know what you think or simply like your way of writing.
In conclusion, I think 2019 is not late nor a bad year to start a blog, if not a perfect time to start one if you still did not have it. What do you think? Are you going to start a new blog? If you are looking for a blog made from scratch for you, do not hesitate to contact us 😉
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